Monday, February 11, 2008

Savannah's "News"

Ok, Savannah took 2 steps a week ago (for Jason). Today, she took 4 steps! I got to see them!! I was SO excited and then....

She was playing with an old cell phone today, she said "hello" as clear as day. She also says "mommy," "dada," waves bye, does the sign for more and banana.

She is always "babbling." Sometimes I am afraid of what she is really saying - I wonder can you dicipline for what you "think" she is saying. I guess, we need to wait till the real words hit but I am very fearful of those words!

Jason and I are going away for the weekend. I am sure that she will start walking more for Aunt Janice.

Sorry no pics on this post...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Jared Yellow Belt Test

Jared took his yellow belt test for Tang Soo Do, January 26, 2008

He surprised us by being attentive and very serious. He answered every question correctly and with a big "YES SIR" "TANG SOO DO, SIR" To the point that he was asked if he was in the military. Jared's answer "I don't know what that means"

Great job, Jared! I am so proud of you!!

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Picture Posers

Chase and Savannah like to be in the baby doll bed. Look at those smiles!

Caleb called me to take this picture. They are all on the beanbag chair, bad mommy didn't get the little ones dressed by this time in the morning. Oh well, kodak moments don't always come when the kids all look great.

A few moments later, I walk in for this kodak moment!

Savannah started to notice the bows hanging over her changing table. She babbles, points to the bows and then to her hair...Ok, you want this on....Oh, how cute. We have to have a picture!
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Snow Day - (1-16-08)

The boys were playing in their room. When all of a sudden they heard a screech - "Mom, what is it?" - "SNOW" "Daddy said it wouldn't snow this far south?" "well, come look!" We ran around the house trying to find gloves, hats, boots...

Once outside they were having the time of their lives.
After about 30 mins to an hour, the snow turned to COLD rain. By morning it was gone but they had fun for a while.

Playing on the slide with snow on it was really fast!!

Chase catching the flakes!

What a picture of our life, Caleb in the lead, Jared trying to catch up (but happy enough and strong enough to get there in his time). Wait I forgot one, WHERE IS CHASE??? Soon, where is Chase and Savannah but by this picture she was still able to be left in her crib! LOL! She is starting to show her climbing abilities.
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